Thursday, January 8, 2009

Healing And Cloning In Elements

Elements gives you the three different tool designs for removing unwanted blemishes, you can even remove very large objects in full edit mode. The three different methods are - Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush and Clone Stamp Tool, each tools has its own benefits.

First the Spot Healing Brush does exactly what it says it does. This tool is great for removing spots whether they are spots made from your camera, facial blemishes or some unwanted object which you don't want in your photo.

Second is the Healing Brush, the healing brush is great for large areas, a great example here would be an unwanted plane flying in the back ground. Both the above tools are healing tools, the reason we use this tools for this type of method is because they blend the "healed area" with the surrounding pixels.

Third is the Clone Stamp Tool, this is used for more complex repairs like removing shadows from buildings or people.

While you're finding your way with the above tools you also need to know the shortcut to your brushes. This way you can speed things up. If you want ti increase the size of your brush all you need to do is tap the right square bracket key, this will increase it by one-pixel. If you want to decrease the size of your brush just tap the left square bracket, again this will reduce your brush size by one-pixel.

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Elements Quick Fix Guide Mode

The quick mode enables you to make very basic alterations to your images as you can alter the following; Lighting, colour, sharpen, and you also have the options to do a smart fix.

Elements also gives you an auto fix button which can be found on the right hand side. Another way to access the adjustments buttons is through the Enhance menu.

Auto fixing is a real "God Send" if you're a complete novice at image editing and if you're after a quick fix to your image.

Here are six great short tools and features.

1 - Sometimes you'll find your editing isn't going the way it should be, so you can just hit the "Reset Button" on the after picture.

2 - If you need to show your before and after images, there's a drop down button in the bottom left hand corner, which says "View".

3 - Your tool box can be found on the left hand side of the screen.

4 - You can zoom in from your image on this page and the zoom button can be found in the bottom left hand corner.

5 - Your auto tab buttons can be found on the right hand side of the screen.

6 - Each quick mode gives you the option of using sliders.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Replace Colour Adjustment In Elements

Another very impressive tool within Elements is the “Replace Colour Adjustment”, basically this lets you create a selection which is based on image colour and replaces that colour selection with any other colour. The way this works is very simple but it’s very affective, the “Replacement Colour Adjustment” accomplishes this by giving you access to the three main items which control the colour within Elements. They are Hue, Saturation and Lightness.

So what does each of these do? Hue allows you and gives you the ability to change the images physical colour. Saturation, will this allows you and gives you access to control the amount of colour. Lightness, well this speaks for it’s self, it allows you to determine the brightness of the colour, but this is based on Hue and Saturation.

So how do you use the Replace Colour Adjustment?

The first thing you need to do is open Elements, then open you colour image. Next you need to click on Enhance Menu, the click on Adjust Colour and then click on Replace Colour.

Next you’ll see a Preview box you need to make sure this is ticked. Then you need to click on your active image with your selection eyedroppers to select, add or subtract colours.

Once you have done that, you then need to click on the Colour Box to select the colour which you’re after. Then drag the fuzziness slider which you’ll also see, you can drag this from right to left, this will increase or decrease the sensitivity of the eyedropper tool.

Now you need to click on your Selection or Photo/Image option to toggle between a view of the selection mask and the active image, you’ll notice that the white areas are the active ones. Then you just need to drag the Hue, Saturation and Lightness sliders to give you the right colour.

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Monday, January 5, 2009

Sending Photo Mail In Adobe Elements

Elements 6 just has about every new gizmo going, and one of the new and cool features is Photo Mail. Just think about how easy it will be to send one of you awesome new photos you’ve just altered with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Its really very simple to do, your first steps are the same as you would if you was to send an Photo Attachment. This time you need to click on the Photo Mail button instead, you’ll find this under the Share Tab. Once you’ve clicked on that you’ll then be given a selection of photos where you can either select or de-select, then it’s just a case of adding your recipients mail address.

In Elements 6 you are given an option to add a stationery template if you like, Elements also gives you the option of choosing the design theme you want to use. Once you have chosen your design theme you are then allowed to configure the layout options. You’ll find these options in the control panel which are on the left. Your options are; Choose the photo size, layout of the photos, and your different font and text. You are also given an option which you can add a caption if you like.

With Photo Mail you are given two options for sending mail, plain text or HTML format which most people use these days. With the HTML email you can get a more attractive layout skin to your gallery of photos, plus another great benefit is your recipients can view your photos without having to double-click your attachment icons to open them.

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Using Full Edit Mode In Elements

Full Edit Mode
; The full edit mode gives you everything you need to alter any of your images. You'll find that most of the tools and commands are found in the palettes.

The palettes are used for managing your layers and applying effects to your images. By default the layers and effects palette are displayed automatically. If you wish you can also open more by choosing from the windows menu, which can be found at the top.

Another really cool feature for the palettes is they float, so you can have them where you like. Once you have brought your image up, you'll find below the main image window your images that you have opened.

If you need to alter an image all you need to do is just click the thumbnail image.

Here are four great short tools and features.

1 - At the top you'll see a quick undo and redo button. This is really cool as you don't need to keep going to the undo in the history palette.

2 - Any photos you have open are automatically stored in the bin at the bottom.

3 - Your tool box can be dragged and dropped anywhere on the screen.

4 - The buttons found at the top right give you the options of switching modes. Edit Create and Share.

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Producing Creations in Elements 6

Making creations in Elements 6 is as easy has dragging and dropping a few photos. The first thing you need to do is select your photos in your elements organiser and add them to an album, the easiest way to find them is through the Create Tab on the right hand side, if you would like to see more options just click the "More Options Button", the one we are looking for here is Photo Book, which you should find at the very top of the list.

When you are building creations in Elements you'll notice that it automatically switches to Full Edit mode. You'll see your photo bin at the bottom and the album you have created, if you want to change this just go back in to Organizer. You'll also see on the right the Create panel offers a choice random or user selected photo layouts, plus you also have a choice of themes, which are backgrounds and frame effects.

You also have a option which you can tick which say's "Auto Fill" this can be found within the Projects Bin Photos, once you have ticked that and press done this automatically generates your Photo Book pages, you'll notice in Elements it has been scaled to fit the frame automatically. Elements also gives you a tool bar you can use this to navigate your book pages.

If you have done this with the "Auto Fill" and has given you two pages for your layouts you might find that there's some vacant space, you can drag another photo and just drop it into this layout. If you want to add more pages the tool has options which allows us to do this.

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Friday, January 2, 2009

Master The Magic Wand Tool In Elements

Elements can do almost anything Photoshop CS3 can do, but Photoshop does give you and extra 10% more when it comes to those little gems for altering your photos. But, both bits of software come with the "Magic Wand Tool" or as one of my friends call it "Harry Potters Magic Wand Tool" don't ask me why because I have know idea.

Adjusting the contrast or colour balance of any of your photos or images can and is very easy, but if you only want to adjust the sky, lets say, brighten or darken it, or your landscape then this is when the "Magic Wand Tool" comes in. Basically the "Magic Wand Tool" selects pixels within a similar colour range, which enables you to apply a number of adjustments to one given area.

Lets quickly run through how you use the Magic Wand Tool in Elements 6:

First you start by opening your image up in full edit mode, next you need to select the Magic Wand Tool, you'll find this in your tools palette which is on the left handside of your screen, once this is open you need to then select the top bar and set your tolerance level to around 30. Next to tolerance box you'll see a tick box which say's "Contiguous" this must be ticked, so just put your mouse over the box and right click you mouse, you should now see the box ticked. The reason we are doing this is because we are telling the "Magic Wand Tool" to select the pixels of similar colour which are side by side, and not the colour which are outside the sky area.

Next you need to select an area of the sky or landscape from you image or photo, all you need to do here is just click it once, you will now see a running line which is dotted, this will now mark that selection. If you would like to select more of the sky just hold down the shift key and click the unselected areas.

Once you are happy with what you have selected you now need to open the Levels window and select Enhance > Adjust Lighting > Levels, next just drag the slider bar to the right, you'll notice that you will add more atmosphere to your sky which as the dotted line around it, and nothing else in you photo or image has been touched.

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