Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Replace Colour Adjustment In Elements

Another very impressive tool within Elements is the “Replace Colour Adjustment”, basically this lets you create a selection which is based on image colour and replaces that colour selection with any other colour. The way this works is very simple but it’s very affective, the “Replacement Colour Adjustment” accomplishes this by giving you access to the three main items which control the colour within Elements. They are Hue, Saturation and Lightness.

So what does each of these do? Hue allows you and gives you the ability to change the images physical colour. Saturation, will this allows you and gives you access to control the amount of colour. Lightness, well this speaks for it’s self, it allows you to determine the brightness of the colour, but this is based on Hue and Saturation.

So how do you use the Replace Colour Adjustment?

The first thing you need to do is open Elements, then open you colour image. Next you need to click on Enhance Menu, the click on Adjust Colour and then click on Replace Colour.

Next you’ll see a Preview box you need to make sure this is ticked. Then you need to click on your active image with your selection eyedroppers to select, add or subtract colours.

Once you have done that, you then need to click on the Colour Box to select the colour which you’re after. Then drag the fuzziness slider which you’ll also see, you can drag this from right to left, this will increase or decrease the sensitivity of the eyedropper tool.

Now you need to click on your Selection or Photo/Image option to toggle between a view of the selection mask and the active image, you’ll notice that the white areas are the active ones. Then you just need to drag the Hue, Saturation and Lightness sliders to give you the right colour.

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