Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adobe Photoshop Elements Colour Swatches Palette

Photoshop Elements like Photoshop has a colour swatches palette. Inside this colour palette you can choose any colour you like, also you have to option to store any new colour you might make. Lets say your doing a weekly newsletter and you want to save the colours you are working with, well all you have to do is save it in the colour swatches palette.

It really doesn't matter what colour you need Elements has them all. Once your inside the colour swatches palette you are given several different options.

Default: This only displays the RGB and the pure colours.

Mac OS: This option lets you choose colours which are designed just for the MAC, plus you also have the options of adding hexadecimal values in.

Photo Filter Colours: This option will give you the warm colours

Web Hues: This option gives you the hues for the Web. This can be used on both systems Windows and Mac.

Web Safe Colours: Again this can be used on both systems, but it will only display 256 colours.

Web Spectrum: This is used for the Web and can be used on both systems.

Windows: This will only display the colours which can be used on windows, plus you have the option of adding in hexadecimal values.

To get the most from your colours swatch palette you need to spend some time playing around with it, trust me its well worth doing.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
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How To Use Automatic Lighting And Colour Commands In Elements

Automatic lighting and colour commands make is really easy to alter any problems you might have with your lighting or colours in your images or photos. The auto commands receive information from their adjustment queues which is in the active image or photo. Here's a quick example if you have an image with a big white border Adobe Elements auto command will factor that information into the correct image or photo. If you are applying this command then it would be best if you corrected any dust or scratch problems before you crop out any borders.

To use automatic lighting and colour command you firstly need to open up your image in Editor, then click on the Enhance Menu. You'll then be given a drop down menu with a full list of commands you can use.

Auto Smart Filter: This will correct the overall colour balance of your photo or image. The shortcutfor this is (Alt + Ctrl + M).

Auto Levels: This will adjust the overall contrasts of your image or photo, it will affects your colours. This also maps your colours from the darkest to the lightest. The shortcut command is (Shift + Ctrl + L).

Auto Contrasts: This basically adjusts the overall contrasts of your image or photo and it doesn't affect the colour in your image or photo. The shortcut for this is (Alt + Shift + Ctrl + L).

Auto Colour Correction: This will adjust your contrast and your colour of your image or photo. This neutralizers the midtones and sets the white and black points. The shortcut for this is (Shift + Ctrl + B).

Auto Sharpen: This just sharpens your image or photo.

Auto Red Eye: This command will detect any red eye and it will remove it for you. The shortcut for this is (Ctrl + R)

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop Elements.
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Histogram Palette In Adobe Photoshop Elements

The histogram in Elements works in the same way as it does in Photoshop, plus Elements histogram also gives you many options for viewing in tonal and colour information about your active image.

By default Elements histogram displays the tonal range of your entire image. But you also have the option of using the selection tools to select a portion of your active image, so this way you can see the histogram for that portion.

The tonal range and colour values within Elements are really important to generate your great graphics which you are after, plus you can also see in the histogram palette your instant up to date information, you are given the option to view to specific pixel or range using Elements histogram palette.

If you want to view this information on the range of values all you need to do is drag Elements histogram into Elements highlight range.

Ok let’s have a quick look at how the Histogram works;

The first you need to do is launch Editor, then click on the Window Menu and then click on Histogram. Next you need to click the Channel list arrow, you’ll then be given a list of different colour channels which you can view your histogram in.

RGB – This displays the tonal range for Red, Green and Blue.

RED, GREEN AND BLUE – This just displays the tonal range for Red, Green and Blue.

LUMINOSITY – This is for lightness

COLOURS – This just displays the tonal colour range.

Next you can click the source list arrow you can see underneath the Histogram. You then can select your image source. Which include the following. Entire Image, Selected Layer or Adjustment Layer.

If you wanted to refresh your image cache just click the Uncached Refresh button. You can also view information about your range values, all you need to do is drag the histogram into the highlight range.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop Elements. Click Here For Details Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Elements Brightness And Contrast Adjustment

When you’re using Elements you’ll have the chance to change the brightness and contrast within your image. The brightness and contrast adjustment changes your image by the overall darkness and lightness of your image pixels. It’s a great way for special effects. If you just need a quick adjustment to your image this is the best way. Curves and Levels are a much better way of adjusting your image.

In elements 6 the brightness and contrast adjustments performs a linear adjustment for your new image. When you open the brightness and contrast adjustment you’ll see a slider bar, if you want to increase the brightness just move it to the right, this will increase the pixels within your image. This works for both brightness and contrast.

You might not know this but photographs are not linear in nature, so it’s best to use Curves and Levels (non linear). So if you are going to use brightness and contrast I would recommend using this on clipart text and clipart images, or just non photographic images or photos.

So to use brightness and contrast you need to open up Elements and then select your image. Your next step is to click Enhance menu, you’ll then have a drop down, you then need to select Adjust Lighting and the select Brightness/Contrast. Now make sure you have the Preview checked, this allows you to view your changes on your active image. To alter the Brightness just slide it to the right to increase the Brightness values, or just slide it to the left to decrease the Brightness values.

To alter the Contrast you need to slide the slider bar in the way. To the right increases the Contrast, to the left increases the Contrast. Once you are done just click OK.

Master The Basics Of Adobe Photoshop Elements. Click Here For Details Adobe Photoshop Elements