Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How To Use Automatic Lighting And Colour Commands In Elements

Automatic lighting and colour commands make is really easy to alter any problems you might have with your lighting or colours in your images or photos. The auto commands receive information from their adjustment queues which is in the active image or photo. Here's a quick example if you have an image with a big white border Adobe Elements auto command will factor that information into the correct image or photo. If you are applying this command then it would be best if you corrected any dust or scratch problems before you crop out any borders.

To use automatic lighting and colour command you firstly need to open up your image in Editor, then click on the Enhance Menu. You'll then be given a drop down menu with a full list of commands you can use.

Auto Smart Filter: This will correct the overall colour balance of your photo or image. The shortcutfor this is (Alt + Ctrl + M).

Auto Levels: This will adjust the overall contrasts of your image or photo, it will affects your colours. This also maps your colours from the darkest to the lightest. The shortcut command is (Shift + Ctrl + L).

Auto Contrasts: This basically adjusts the overall contrasts of your image or photo and it doesn't affect the colour in your image or photo. The shortcut for this is (Alt + Shift + Ctrl + L).

Auto Colour Correction: This will adjust your contrast and your colour of your image or photo. This neutralizers the midtones and sets the white and black points. The shortcut for this is (Shift + Ctrl + B).

Auto Sharpen: This just sharpens your image or photo.

Auto Red Eye: This command will detect any red eye and it will remove it for you. The shortcut for this is (Ctrl + R)

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