Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Adobe Photoshop Elements Colour Swatches Palette

Photoshop Elements like Photoshop has a colour swatches palette. Inside this colour palette you can choose any colour you like, also you have to option to store any new colour you might make. Lets say your doing a weekly newsletter and you want to save the colours you are working with, well all you have to do is save it in the colour swatches palette.

It really doesn't matter what colour you need Elements has them all. Once your inside the colour swatches palette you are given several different options.

Default: This only displays the RGB and the pure colours.

Mac OS: This option lets you choose colours which are designed just for the MAC, plus you also have the options of adding hexadecimal values in.

Photo Filter Colours: This option will give you the warm colours

Web Hues: This option gives you the hues for the Web. This can be used on both systems Windows and Mac.

Web Safe Colours: Again this can be used on both systems, but it will only display 256 colours.

Web Spectrum: This is used for the Web and can be used on both systems.

Windows: This will only display the colours which can be used on windows, plus you have the option of adding in hexadecimal values.

To get the most from your colours swatch palette you need to spend some time playing around with it, trust me its well worth doing.

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